Monday, December 14, 2009

Weekend pictures of the kids (wow, we now have KIDS plural)

Our first few days at home have been busy. We've even managed to leave the house twice (all four of us!) despite the cold and snowy weather. Asher has proved to be just as voracious an eater as his big sister. Despite his large appetite, he is letting me sleep for an hour or two in a row here and there and we are starting to find somewhat of a routine.

Asher has super long fingers and toes/feet. Perhaps a career in basketball is in his future?
Wide awake and just hanging out
Lindsey and her friend Ashley found a great way to entertain Reese...

Reese seems to be taking the addition of her brother in stride. It helps to have lots of cousins around to play with (and Aunts and Grandmas don't hurt either). I am feeling pretty good. Sore and sleep deprived but otherwise not bad at all. CK and I are learning the art of dividing and conquering. Currently I think I have the more consistently demanding half but his half tends to require chasing down a bit more often so we're probably about even :)