Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Home from the hospital (again)

Asher and I are home from the hospital for the second (and hopefully last) time. I was able to switch from the IV meds to the oral ones without any problem so I was sent home with a full prescription and instructions of not to do much at all. I'm feeling pretty good. The meds definitely control the pain but also make me pretty drowsy (as if I needed anything to make me more drowsy) so I won't be operating any heavy machinery anytime soon. I return to the doctor on Tuesday to check in and decide what to do about my Lovenox. All in all, the situation could've been much worse and I consider myself lucky to have avoided another trip to the operating room.

Below are some pictures from our time at home (after Asher's birth) and our second stint in the hospital. Enjoy.

Reese was trying to help organize the newborn supplies.
Reese crawling around and under my hospital bed

A big smile for mom...ok, fine, probably just gas
The volunteers at the hospital make these huge stockings for all babies born in December. As you can see, I could probably put both Reese and Asher in his.

Who me? About to pull all these pretty decorations off the tree? Never.

This stocking sure is a soft place to lay my head...

I love my borrowed train from Tyler...come catch me if you can