Thursday, November 29, 2012

Precious time

Life has been pretty great the past few weeks.  Spending time with Emily is wonderful and we're really lucky that both CK and I have this time to spend with her.  She's a great eater and is sleeping for 3-4 hours stretches, which at this point, I'll take and is much better than her siblings were.
 Emily had her first real bath this week and she liked it much better than the sponge baths.  She was alert and happy during the whole thing.  Good thing, because given the amount of times she spits/throws up in a day, she's going to have many, many baths in her future :)
Looking at Mom?

I've been planning to make this felt Christmas tree for the kids for awhile but, well, I've been kinda busy with other important things.  Emily finally granted me enough consecutive naps, however, so that I could finish it.  I saw the idea on Pinterest and made all the ornaments and presents with a glue gun.  The felt sticks to itself so hopefully once we hang it they can decorate and redecorate this tree all they want.

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Thanksgiving Plague

Thanksgiving was great despite the fact that Reese and Asher both came down with some type of stomach bug.  Wednesday Reese broke in our brand new couches by throwing up on one of them and then slept through dinner.  Thursday it was Asher's turn (luckily not on the couch) and he missed Thanksgiving dinner completely.  Although Reese sleeps when she's sick, Asher just cries and wants to be held so CK has had a 35-lb addition attached to him for the last 36 hours or so.  I've been doing my best to keep the kids from spreading their sickness to Emily and me.  Fun times.
We did have a really nice Thanksgiving and Jan cooked most of the food which was a huge help (and very tasty!).
Our little diva

 Playing musical chairs with Grandma

Reese serenaded us with her rendition of Taylor Swift's latest hit:

DSC 1781 from CK LaFond on Vimeo.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Lazy Saturday

We had a quiet Saturday at home with a visit from Val and some of the cousins.  Reese and Asher like to check in on Emily while she's sleeping.  Sometimes this results in Emily staying asleep, sometimes not.
 Reese asked me to take her picture so here she is hamming it up for the camera
 Emily sleeping in the arms up position she favors when she's truly comfortable
 While CK and I watched the end of the Cat-Griz game today upstairs in the loft, Asher decided to break out the nail polish and give himself a mani/pedi (he also painted his lips but luckily stayed away from his tongue so we didn't have to call Poison Control).  Lovely results below that Mom and Dad got to clean off of him and the bathroom as a result. much fun to have a two year old.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Home- Day 1

Emily and I managed to get discharged Wednesday night.  My OB said it was up to me and I definitely thought I'd be more relaxed and get more rest at home (yes, even in spite of Reese and Asher).  At the hospital they wake you up every 90 minutes or so at night for drugs or vitals or whatever.  So I figured life would be better at home and I was right.  The first night was great, Emily slept for 3 hour stretches and we both did fine.  Last night she was eating more frequently.  There were times I didn't even fall back asleep before she was up again.  But that's life with a newborn and those moments in the middle of the night when it's just the two of us are some of the best.  Jan headed home yesterday morning.  We are so thankful for all of her help with the kids, the cooking, everything.  Jan and Craig will both be back next week for Thanksgiving so luckily the kids don't have to go too long before Grandma returns.  Here are some pictures from the last 48 hours.
Looking alert last day in the hospital
 First time in the carseat

 I look so small in my crib

 Rocking with Daddy
 Snoozing with Daddy (not sure who likes this more)
 Reese and Asher want to hold her all the time

 Asher likes to tickle her toes

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sibling pictures

Just for fun, here's a comparison of (left to right) Reese, Asher and Emily as newborns.

Emily- Day 2

Emily and I are still in the hospital.  Hoping to go home sometime tomorrow but it may not be until Thursday.  I'm feeling pretty good and have gotten rid of all my "tethers" (catheter, IV, compression machine for my lower legs, IV, etc.) which makes getting around, even just in my hospital room, a lot easier.  Took a shower this morning and am starting to feel a bit more like myself.  I was really nauseous yesterday and wasn't able to eat or drink anything all day.  Today things were much better and I had some real food finally, which seems to also be helping me get back to "normal".  The pain is pretty well controlled at this point so I'm hopefully they'll send us home tomorrow.

Emily is doing great and nursing constantly.  My milk hasn't come in yet so she's still losing a bit of weight but that should remedy itself soon.  She's very alert and, for now, has big blue eyes and some dark hair.  Our family is in love as evidenced by Daddy's big smile:
 Emily enjoyed her first Duke game today, a big win over Kentucky.  Her cheerleading outfit from Auntie must be our new lucky charm.
 First bath before
 and after
 She really liked the water so jetskiing can't be far behind.

Monday, November 12, 2012

She's here!

Emily Quinn LaFond was born this morning at 8:18am.  7lbs, 2.6 ounces, 20.25 inches long.  We are all doing great and Reese and Asher are very excited about their new baby sister.  Some pictures from Emily's first day:

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Valerie's birthday sledding party

We spent the last day of this pregnancy celebrating Valerie's birthday with a sledding party.  What else do you do with 18 inches of snow?  Luckily it warmed up and turned into a beautiful day.

As you can see the only clothes that fit me currently are CK's.  Surprisingly warm :)

 Reese was pretty brave this year, sledding by herself a few times.

 Asher went once with Daddy and then was done.
 Steve, Val and Sadie

 CK spent most of the time giving 4-wheeler rides back up the hill

 Kaitlyn and the birthday girl hoofing it up the hill after a great ride
 Andrew looked like this most of the afternoon

 Last weekend Reese and I went shopping and when we got home this is what we found.  Our two boys napping:
Well, tomorrow's the big day.  Surgery is scheduled for 8am so, if you're lucky, you might even get a blog post by CK soon after.  Wish us luck!