Thursday, March 6, 2014

15 and 2 month check ups

We took Emily and Soren in for their well baby check-ups this week.


  • Height: 32" (90th percentile)
  • Weight: 23 lbs 6 oz (50th percentile)
  • Height: 23" (50th percentile)
  • Weight: 13 lbs 8 oz (90th percentile)
Reese and Soren started at the same birth weight and I believe she was around 14 lbs at 2 months so he's not quite as big as she was but still impressive ;)

Emily has started truly walking everywhere (unless she needs to get somewhere fast and then she resorts to turbo-crawling).  Soren is smiling (and growing) a lot.  Everyone is doing great and we're enjoying the last few weeks before I have to get on the road again.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

House of monkeys

It's been a busy month here but, then again, with four kids now, I'm not sure it's ever not busy.  We're pretty much just trying to control the chaos any way we can.  Once in awhile, though, I manage to get the camera out...

 Emily has learned to walk recently and has also become quite the monkey, climbing on everything with no fear whatsoever.
 As you can see in these pictures, Emily has begun to wear a patch over her left eye most of the day (amazingly she actually keeps it on most of the time).  Her left eye had become so dominant that her brain stopped making connections to her right eye, resulting in her eyes crossing or looking lazy because she basically wasn't using her right eye.  The solution is to cover her left eye to force her brain to use/reconnect with her right eye to even them out.  We're not sure how long she'll have to wear it but so far it definitely seems to be helping.
 Monkey Move #1: hanging from and trying to get into the silverware drawer
 Monkey move #2: getting into the cabinet below the sink to pull out all the plastic bags
 Reese and Soren
 Daddy must've said something pretty exciting...
 Rocking with my Dora guitar
 Rockstar moves...maybe an American Idol in 2026?
 Soren at 8 weeks
Soren is smiling, cooing and really "talking" to us as much as he can.  He's grown so much and I can't believe he's almost 2 months old already!  One more month for me at home and I'm going to try to enjoy it as much as possible.