Friday, February 25, 2011

Asher is walking

Asher has moved from taking 1-2 steps and falling to actually walking from one person to another (and then falling :) but we think it counts so here is a video with the proof:

Both kids are doing great but we are all getting a little stir crazy from winter.  I landed to -11 degrees last night and it was so cold the door of the plane was frozen shut so we got to sit in the plane for 20 minutes while the pilots helped to open the door with a crowbar.  In all my many flights, that's a first for me.  This morning it was -17.  Where is Spring?  I am ready!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday fun

We get along so well...
until someone tries to steal my toys...

 Trying to make Mommy's heart race...
 building castles with Daddy
 Not the most eloquent exit but it works
 Funny faces from Asher

Play nice

Asher took a step last week but I think it was mostly by accident.  He was walking holding on to my hands, saw Daddy, dropped my hands, took one step and fell and then crawled his way over.  He is a pretty fast crawler and realizes that is a faster way to travel.  The kids are getting better at playing together.  Asher can stand up for himself a bit more and Reese is hitting him a bit less (or is that just wishful thinking?).  We are finally at the stage where we can actually let the kids play alone together in the playroom without having to be right there all the time.  Of course, when you do that, things like this happen...

In another funny moment (that, of course, I couldn't find the camera for) I came upon Reese last week lining up her diapers (they have sesame street characters on them) along the couch and saying "Be nice Cookie Monster. You have to be nice."  Hmmm...wonder where that comes from?