Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Busy as usual

Asher is busy walk running all over the house... Note Reese in the background in her chair reading, I'm sure Asher is on his way over to "help"

Asher's first foray into the world of utensils'
I believe the spoon has just about met it's match

This picture is for My Mom (Janice), Reese was busily playing with her blocks, I interrupted her for dinner and had to post the picture. (for those who don't see it initially, all of the blue, green, & yellow blocks are on their corresponding color floor square, the small pile of red/green was the "in progress" part of the building project)
A couple of house pictures are always in order, framing is nearing completion, another week or so, and then on to something else, below is a picture of the non - insulated concrete form exterior wall. It is two layers of EPS foam in 2x4 walls offset for an insulating value of R-35, more than twice the insulation in a well built 2x6 home (hopefully it helps with the heating bills)
Top half has both layers, bottom half of the wall has only a single layer in the picture.
The first garage door is in and the windows have been ordered.
hopefully the siding starts soon...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Before it all went wrong...

We celebrated Lindsey's birthday with some Zumba and a pit of squishy blue blocks...
 Happy Birthday Lindsey!

Everyone started the game in a good mood...

Here's to hoping the upcoming ACC and NCAA Tournaments have a different outcome.  Perhaps some defensive drills are in order this week Coach K?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Let's Go Duke!

Big game tonight, Duke-UNC for the ACC Championship.  Reese and CK had to rest up last night for it...