Sunday, June 28, 2009

17 weeks

Below are the first shots of Baby LaFond at about 16.5 weeks. Well, technically, these aren't the first shots. But they are the first ones that look like a baby :)

Everything is looking good so far and measuring right on track. CK is one day away from finishing the first stage of the Show Low cabin. Tuesday he and Reese fly to SLC for the night and then we're all off to Rhode Island to celebrate Mom's birthday and CK some much needed relaxation. Stage 2 begins in August.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

More Cabin pictures

This is the cabin as of Saturday June 20th. This view is from the front entrance.
This one is from the soon to be deck (800 square feet of deck!) The mastermind of the entire operation hard at work standing inside what will be the chimney
The near side of the cabin as viewed when you pull in (deck on the right, front door on the left)
Everyone in the loft negotiating bedroom space
This is from the living room looking towards the front door; stairs go up to the loft
From the sliding glass doors (that will go out to the deck) looking towards the front doorThe to do list (one day's worth only!) and the master plan on the right
The happy family standing inside the future fireplace (from L to R: Pat, (from bottom to top): Jamie, Erin, Aubrey, Tom, Jane)
Can you tell they're thrilled?
Where's Jane? It's Tom with 4 legs and 4 hands
Reese and I enjoying the fireplace
Jane and Reese
CK, Reese and I in front of some of his handiwork
Aubrey striking a pose in the fireplace
And another
And another action shot

So Big

A few recent pictures of Reese as she closes in on 10 months
This is her "so big" pose when asked "How big are you?"
Looking so innocent after crawling all over the place to get to where she wants
If I can just use that cushion string to pull myself up...
She loves playing with the Zebra

Friday, June 12, 2009

Cabin progress

The building has been going on for about 8 days now and you can see the progress below. They were putting up roof trusses today and the weather has been beautifully cooperative so far.This is Jane's warning to all of the contractors not to cut down her trees :)

Can you believe this guy is in charge?
Ok, let's be honest, this is really who's in charge:
Joynt family slave labor

This is the forklift they are using to get the trusses up on the roof
Operated by Craig
And the only casualty so far has been CK's had a run in on Tuesday with the sledge's a very pretty color and actually looks like he's wearing very nicely applied eye shadow. A lot of women pay good money to get this look:
Finally after a long day of hard work everyone is ready for bed

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Reese and Ryan the Zebra

Reese's new favorite toy (courtesy of her great Aunt Debbie) is Ryan the Zebra. Some fun pictures below from the living room in Show Low, Arizona, our new home away from home for the forseeable future.CK and Reese arrived here in Show Low on Tuesday with Craig and Jane. The construction began immediately and the new cabin now has a foundation and walls. Roof trusses should go up this week. They have been working long hours and through the weekend to take advantage of Craig being here. Needless to say we've all been heading to bed pretty early around here.

I'm off to Chicago this week to review the project I worked on last Spring and make sure they're doing well. Then back here to Show Low next weekend.