Sunday, October 30, 2011


CK rented a lift and we put the rest of the windows in last week (Thanks Travis for your help with the big ones!).  It's no longer a cave inside and I don't think we're going to need to turn the lights on too often (even on cloudy days).

 view from the loft looking down
 the office
 another look from the loft
 CK prepping the back deck door for concrete

 my view most of the day as the lift operator
 We invited Val and the kids up to check out the finished product yesterday and ended up with a game of frisbee in the kitchen

 Asher checking out Dad's plumbing
 Asher's going to be upset when he can't sneak through the walls anymore

 yes, that's Reese about to hit Val over the head with some styrofoam

 the kids checking out their new view...not bad
CK and I both agreed that putting in the windows has reminded us why we wanted to build on the property in the first place.