Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sarah and Fred's wedding in CT

We just got back today from Sarah's beautiful wedding in CT.  Congratulations to Sarah and Fred!!!  Here are some pics I stole from Sarah's friends on FB until I see the professional pics.  My sister was the most stunning bride I've ever seen.

A cute pic before we left at home:
 The plane ride there and back were about as expected.  Reese was easy to entertain with books, coloring and food.  Asher, not so much.  He screamed for the last 40 minutes of one flight on the way there and was "a challenge" on the way home.  Reese did sit behind an older gentleman on the way home today and despite my best efforts she still kicked his seat a few times (although considering it was a 5.5 hr flight I thought she did pretty well!)  His comment to me about 30 minutes in: "That child is kicking my seat" said like she was some kind of small animal.  Luckily she fell asleep soon after and slept for most of the flight.  For those of you who travel often, bet you never get your windows decorated with the stars of Toy Story...

 the kids riding the luggage cart at the hotel
 after the wedding we went to a pumpkin patch/corn maze in NJ with Dan, Venus, Jeff and Michelle.  It was fun despite the cloudy weather

 I think CK and Dan had more fun feeding the goats and sheep than the kids did

 I tried to show off my P90X guns but couldn't quite hit the top
 Jeff, however, had no trouble
 the kids loved the bouncer and even got a ride just the two of them

 We also got to visit Dan and Venus's new house in Cranford, NJ.  Beautiful!  CK and Dan put up their new dining room chandelier after dinner.  Of course, Asher had to assist.  Any question whose kid this is?