Saturday, March 13, 2010

Our little monkey

Well Operation get-Reese-to-sleep-in-the-crib was pretty much a complete failure. After assembling the crib last night and starting a good routine of bath, then book reading, then bed, we left Reese in her new crib (in her own room). She cried for about 10 minutes and it was pretty heart-wrenching to hear "Mommy! Mommy" (with choking sobs in between each one). I see now why it's better to train them to do this before they can say your name :)

Anyway, CK and I were both in our bedroom debating on how long to let her cry when we heard a thump. I started walking towards Reese's room to see what had happened and there she was walking down the hallway to see ME. Yes, despite the crib mattress on the lowest setting and the rails all the way up, Reese managed to climb out of her crib within the first 15 minutes. Hmmm...

Plan B, anyone?