Tuesday, March 2, 2010

back to work

Yesterday was my first day back at work. It was a long, exhausting day. A different kind of long, exhausting day than I'm used to :) I'm trying to prepare for the project I'm starting on Monday while also doing the work I'm assigned to in PDX this week and pretend to carve out time to "catch up" with everyone who wants to catch up with me. Oh yeah, and sleep and maybe squeeze in a workout and a meal or two. However...

I did sleep 6 hours in a row last night without waking up once.

Now I am a waker. Meaning even when I didn't have kids I usually wake up a few times a night, see the clock and roll over and go back to sleep. But I was so exhausted last night that I hit the pillow and didn't see the clock again until my alarm went off for my run this morning. And despite the early hour it said on the clock, I felt fabulous and got right up with only a minor hesitation about pressing the snooze button.

As I've said, though, I have the easy end of things. CK said the first day with the kids went pretty well. Asher is doing great with the bottle and slept quite a bit (unfortunately, during the day so we'll see how last night went). Jen watched the kids last night so he could play basketball which I'm sure was a nice break.

So far so good. I'm sure in a few weeks this will all be our new routine but right now we're both still adjusting to the new days (and nights).