Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Happy First Birthday Emily!

Happy birthday to our sweet little girl, Emily.  You are at such a fun age right now and we are really enjoying watching you learn new things and have new experiences.  Just the other day you saw your shadow for the first time and tried to crawl across the floor after it.  It was pretty adorable.  Here are some things we want to remember about you on your big day:

  • You only started crawling a few months ago but as soon as you did, you were off.  You now crawl everywhere and are already pulling yourself up on everything.  I can't imagine it will be long before you're walking and then, of course, running.
  • You say dada the most but you've also said mama and we think we've heard Asher, Grandpa and maybe even Steve.
  • Your dad has taught you some funny faces (smiling with your eyes mostly closed) and to stick out your tongue.  We think you look the most like your dad (especially your eyes, which appear to be staying blue for now) of any of the kids so far.
  • You love to play with balls- basketballs, soccer balls, whatever- and you like to "throw" them back and forth to us.  Maybe you're working on a WNBA career?
  • You're a very good eater, like your big sister.  You love Cheerios and prefer to feed yourself.  You also had no trouble (or hesitation) sticking your face right into your first birthday cake.
  • You're moving into 18-month clothes so, although you're still a size ahead of your actual age, you're not quite as big as either Reese or Asher were at this age.  Maybe you won't pass Mommy in height until at least 4th grade ;)
  • You have two teeth so far but seem to be working on more all the time.  You put everything in your mouth, unlike the other kids, so we have to watch you closely (especially with all the little toys your brother and sister leave around).  We're pretty sure you throw Cheerios on the ground while you're in your high chair just so you'll have some on the floor that you can "find" later.
  • I wish I could say you're sleeping through the night but it's rare to be honest.  You still wake up- usually once, sometimes twice- a night.  That's probably as much our laziness in not "training" you as anything else.  But you're happy and healthy so oh well.  Pretty soon (55 days or so...) your new brother is going to give you a run for your money in the lack of sleep department, no doubt.
  • Unlike your big brother Asher, you are not afraid of the vacuum at all.  In fact, when I was vacuuming this weekend you were chasing me around trying to get in front of  it.
  • Reese and Asher love to play with you and try to carry you places.  Asher's very gentle but Reese can be a bit aggressive.  You handle it all very well and usually just roll with the punches.  That will probably result in a mellow, go-with-the-flow personality like your Daddy.
You are such a wonderful addition to our family and it's hard to believe you're already one.  I can't wait to see you as a big sister in less than two months (yikes!).  We wish you a very happy birthday and many, many more to come.
Love, Mommy & Daddy