Saturday, November 17, 2012

Lazy Saturday

We had a quiet Saturday at home with a visit from Val and some of the cousins.  Reese and Asher like to check in on Emily while she's sleeping.  Sometimes this results in Emily staying asleep, sometimes not.
 Reese asked me to take her picture so here she is hamming it up for the camera
 Emily sleeping in the arms up position she favors when she's truly comfortable
 While CK and I watched the end of the Cat-Griz game today upstairs in the loft, Asher decided to break out the nail polish and give himself a mani/pedi (he also painted his lips but luckily stayed away from his tongue so we didn't have to call Poison Control).  Lovely results below that Mom and Dad got to clean off of him and the bathroom as a result. much fun to have a two year old.