We had a busy week. After the funeral on Tuesday, I flew out to Florida Wed. morning for a presentation and CK, Val and the 4 kids drove the 16+ hours home to Helena (all in one day!) The kids were happy to be home and I'm sure CK and Val were glad to be done driving. Unfortunately, CK caught the same cold/flu that the rest of the family in SD is battling so he's been sick most of the weekend so far. The kids and I are laying low, catching up on laundry and blogging :) Here are some recent pictures of the kids:
Reese likes to line up her people
Ta daShowing you her favorite
skills with a straw
Reese...no texting at the table (why do I think I may be saying that again in a few years?)
quite the outfit
This was the scene from our front door yesterday morning..yes, 4-5 inches of snow on April 8th. Luckily, most of it is gone today
Reese likes to draw in the laundry basket