Monday, March 16, 2009

Smashing bones and backboards

We finally got to test out Intermountain Healthcare's (that's my client) well, healthcare.  CK, Reese and I headed over to urgent care tonight after CK thought he broke his thumb when he hit his hand against the backboard while blocking a shot during basketball earlier tonight.  Turns out it's just dislocated but he gets to wear this pretty cast for a few weeks.  All in all, it was a pretty good experience.  We were in and out in less than 2 hours and CK got to dole out some advice to his doctor who is looking to move to Plentywood or Shelby, Montana.

Reese and I went for another run tonight (while CK was injuring himself at basketball) and when we were almost home we passed a woman on the trail who looked at Reese and said "Oh my gosh, she's so tiny!"  Well, as you might imagine, I haven't used the word tiny to describe my daughter in a long time and I admit that I looked behind me wondering if there was another baby there.  But no, everything's relative and I guess in her big jogging stroller, Reese really did look tiny to those not used to seeing her.  It certainly gave me a much needed laugh at the end of a tiring run.

We are all off to the airport tomorrow.  Me to Chicago for the rest of the week and CK and Reese to Helena.  I will join them there for the weekend and then we're all back here in Provo on Monday morning.  I am sad to leave them but admit I am looking forward to some LONG nights of sleep.  Happy early St. Patrick's Day to everyone (or not really that early to those of you on the East coast.)