Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I'm still here in the hospital but my bloodwork looks good (no sign of bleeding nor infection) so Dr. M is going to check again tomorrow morning. Assuming my red and white blood cells continue to look normal and we can determine a way to manage my pain without the IV then I may be able to go home tomorrow afternoon/early evening. I was allowed to start eating and drinking again this afternoon which was great. CK's coming back to spend the night here with Asher and me but hopefully this will be our last night in the hospital for a long time. Also, Dr. M has consulted the hematologist here and I will definitely be staying off the Lovenox for at least a week. They are actually considering whether I should even go back on at all so we'll see. Not fun but it could've been a lot worse.

In other good news, CK met with our future landlords this evening to draw up the lease for the condo we are going to rent. We hope to be able to move in later this week or this weekend.