Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Back in the hospital

Well, it's been a bit more eventful here in the past 24 hours than I was hoping. Around 11am Monday I started having severe abdominal pain that was unlike any soreness I had been feeling post c-section. I called the doctor and he said to come in and get checked out in an hour or so. I was home alone at the time with the kids as CK was playing lunchtime basketball and, after feeling nauseas and lightheaded from the pain, decided to call Val and Steve to come over until CK got home. I decided that passing out with both of my kids alone in the house was probably not a good idea. Thanks again to Val and Steve for coming over on such short notice. I also took some oxycodone (the strong pain meds that my doctor had given me "just in case" that I hadn't used yet as ibuprofen has been enough to that point). Within 20 minutes the drugs kicked in and I felt 10x better. CK got home in time to take me to the doctor's office where Dr. M said it didn't seem like I had an infection (no fever, no redness on my abdomen) so the likely cause was a small hematoma (pooling of blood/internal bruise) beneath the skin just above my incision. He said this was likely due to the Lovenox but, although painful, was nothing really to worry about. He said it could take a few weeks to go away so he gave me a refill of the oxycodone and I left feeling that, with the stronger pain mediciation, I could deal with the situation. He also took me off of the Lovenox for a few days noting that the bleeding I was experiencing was more of a risk than clotting at this point, which I agreed with.

A few hours later the oxycodone wears off and the pain returns. I take another pill and wait for it to kick in but it never does. The pain doesn't lessen. In fact, it got worse. I decided to lay down for awhile to try and see if that helped, but the pain just got worse until I couldn't find any position that provided relief. I called the doctor's office and spoke with the on call physician (not my regular OB) who advised I go to the ER. So off to the ER CK, Asher and I went, me writhing in pain in the front seat. We were able to leave Reese with Jen (thank you Jen!)

We arrived at the ER in about 5 minutes (very convenient that Jen lives just down the street from the hospital when you're in that much pain) and CK registered me as it was all I could do to not throw up from the pain. Of course, they still had to take vitals, ask me a bunch of questions and have the doctor come in and see me. I guess I understand why they can't just let you walk into an ER and hand out pain meds like they're candy but man, I was practically begging for it by that point. They started by giving me a single dose which didn't have any effect at all (other than making me nauseas). By the second injection, however, it finally took effect and I was able to unclench every muscle in my body that I'd been tightening against the pain for hours. That moment of relief was one of the most wonderful things I have ever felt.

Once the pain was controlled they took me for a CT scan to determine the size and location of the hematoma. The ER doctor said it was a good size but that I didn't have a fever so likely it wasn't infected. His diagnosis was the same as Dr. M's. However, he said they wanted to admit me overnight to monitor me for a developing infection, give me pain medication and see how things looked in the morning. They started me on antibiotics to stave off any possible infection as my white blood cells were slightly elevated. So off CK, Asher and I went to the OB floor where we all spent the night. I actually slept pretty well as my pain was controlled and the medicine made both Asher and I drowsy.

This morning both the on call physician from last night and Dr. M (my OB) spoke with me and agreed that it made sense to continue to monitor me here in the hospital while we attemted to control the pain and prevent an infection. The infection is definitely the worst case scenario as that would require surgery to drain/remove the hematoma/abcess. Best case scenario is that no infection develops and the hematoma reabsorbs into the tissue on its own and all I need are pain meds (really strong, good ones :)

However, because the chance of infection is still high and surgery is a potential, I haven't been allowed to eat or drink since I came in last night. I'm actually not all that hungry but I am really thirsty. We're doing a repeat CT scan and some additional bloodwork at 2pm to see how things are going and I'm hoping if that all looks good, they will let me eat/drink this afternoon. It's funny how wonderful a plain, tall glass of ice water sounds when you can't have one.

So that's the long, detailed story. Probably more than anyone wanted to know. Definitely more than I would like to be happening but it is what it is. Asher's been a champ through the whole thing and is keeping me company in the hospital while CK is home with Reese this afternoon. I will defintely be staying here again tonight and possibly for a few more days regardless of the test results this afternoon to keep getting the IV pain meds and antibiotics. I'm getting to experience post partum bed rest and realizing how much I never want to experience pregnancy bed rest.

On a much more positive note, Casey and Lionel welcomed their little girl, Barrett Elizabeth, into the world yesterday. Congratulations to the new parents! Maybe a future girlfriend for Asher?