Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

We had a great Christmas in Helena with Craig, Jan, Mom, Jen and her kids and Val and Steve and their kids. Reese and Asher have completely new wardrobes :) Thanks to everyone for the gifts, tasty food and great company. Here are some pictures from the last few days.
Andrew, Tanner, Jen, Kaitlyn and Lindsey in front of the tree
CK and Val playing the new DS game we got Andrew; still not sure if Andrew has had a chance to play it :)

Reese with the unicorn from Sarah, Fred and Coco
Reese and Grandma cruising
Reese in her new chair
Working up an appetite
Asher and Nana
Reese checking out her pony from Val and family
Grandma and Grandpa reading Twas the Night before Xmas
Reese opening her presents with Nana; this one is a handmade quilt from Great Nana