Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013 in NJ/CT

We traveled East for Thanksgiving this year with three (and a half) kids in tow, hoping for the best.  The kids actually did great on the plane(s) and even Emily was much better than we expected.  We spent a few days at Grandpa Greg and Yelena's house in New Jersey and the kids had a lot of fun playing with the dogs and the bears.

 Emily loved the dogs and wanted to give them kisses.  Luckily, both dogs were good sports and mostly tolerated her advances.
 Tuesday we drove up to Sarah and Fred's new house in Connecticut.  We thought we were being smart, driving on Tuesday afternoon and avoiding the Wed/Thursday Thanksgiving traffic nightmare.  We chose poorly, driving in the rain and the final Tuesday commute.  What should have taken us 3 hours took seven.  We were all ready to get there and get out of the car and CK and the kids relaxed by taking in their first 3D movie on the couch.
 Asher and Reese had fun playing with their cousin Grace, who is getting to be quite the runner and talker.
 Nana and her four grandkids in their pajamas.
 Emily and Sarah enjoying a mid morning bottle/phone call bonding moment.
 Reese and Asher got some quality time watching movies on Dan's iPad.

 Uncle Jeff and the brood
 CK took the kids swimming in Fred and Sarah's new hot tub- a big hit.  Both kids ended up swimming for over an hour despite how nervous Asher looks in this photo.
We had a really nice, relaxing time and Sarah and Fred fed us very well.  It was great to see everyone, including a nice visit from the NY Joynts on Thanksgiving evening.  We have a lot to be thankful for this year for sure.