Sunday, December 22, 2013

December fun

Reese had her first holiday concert on Friday.  
Some video from the event (not great quality but not terrible either for a short, 9-mths pregnant lady using an iphone :):
 Reese and Asher have been in swimming lessons at the YMCA for the last 2 weeks.  It's amazing how much more comfortable they both were from the lessons they took last winter.

 Asher even jumped in on his own a few times

 Reese actually got so comfortable that she started jumping in and trying to swim when she wasn't being watched.  So we got to discuss water safety and confidence and drowning.  All great topics ;)
 This is Emily's version of helping with the Christmas cookie baking

 Emily loves the bath.  She gets very upset when we take her out.  Unfortunately, she also loves to splash like a madwoman so she's not the only one who ends up taking a bath...
 Grandma and Emily...and Minnie, of course