Saturday, December 1, 2012

New traditions

The kids have been begging us to hang up the felt Christmas tree since they saw I was working on it a few days ago.  Our first attempt with double sided tape failed miserably so CK went straight for the glue gun direct to wall approach.  It seems to be working and they were busy decorating this morning.

 Reese was very proud of her decorating skills (she did this all by herself while Asher was helping Daddy fix the pickup in the shop) and wanted me to take a picture of her in front of "her tree".  Why won't she pose like this when I want her to pose for a picture?
 We also started a new tradition this year.  We read the Elf on the Shelf book and our elf, who the kids have named Frosty, came to visit for the first time last night.
Reese told the elf that she wants a toy flower for Christmas.  Asher keeps walking by him and saying "he's watching".  Will this actually translate into better behavior?  Ha!  Only time will tell...