Saturday, December 8, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Asher!

Dear Asher,

Happy 3rd birthday to our little man.  You are getting so big and are super inquisitive.  You are definitely in the ask-a-million-questions stage which sometimes tries Mommy and Daddy's patience but is really pretty adorable.  You just want to understand everything and see how it all works.  You are so much like your father and you have a bit of me in there, too.  Here are some fun things to remember about you on your 3rd birthday:

-You are still a pickier eater than your sister and sometimes you just don't really want to eat at all.  Other times, though, you can polish off a meal and a half!  Your favorite is probably macaroni and cheese (you get that from Uncle Jeff).  You LOVE milk and prefer to drink only milk.  The doctor actually told us we needed to cut down on your milk consumption.  If only we could get your sister to drink more and you less.
-You are mostly potty-trained at daycare but refuse to go near the toilet at home, despite our attempts at bribery.  We figure eventually you'll give in so we're not pushing you too much yet.
-You still love your blankets and have two (the blue star blanket and the white polka dot one) that you sleep with every night and try to take with you everywhere.  You also sleep with Lamby (stuffed lamb that smells like lavender).
-You get frustrated easily when you can't get something done right away or without help.  You yell and scream and stomp your feet and we have to teach you to ask for help and not get so upset.  Yeah, you might've gotten that impatience from your mother.  Sorry :(
-You and Reese play together a lot.  You're also in a stage where you pick on each other and fight a lot, too.  It's about 50/50 love/hate right now.  You want to do a lot of the things she's doing (play on Daddy's iPad, hide and seek) but you also like doing your own thing, too.  You actually play in the play kitchen in the playroom a lot these days and often bring me cookies, cakes and hot chocolate that you've "made" for me.  You also like to swipe measuring cups/spoons, bowls, and spoons from the kitchen to make your "food" with so I'm often missing many things when I go to cook myself :)
-You've started to sing.  Not as much as Reese but you like to sing songs with her and you often sing to Emily.  You liked the 5 little pumpkins song you learned this Halloween.
-You're still obsessed with the vacuum and you're no longer afraid of turning it on.  Most times, though, you don't bother to turn it on.  You just drive it around and make the "whrrrrr" sound yourself.  It's pretty cute.
-You and Reese are in a routine where we read a book each night before bed.  It's about the only time you actually sit still all day (while awake). :)
-You and Daddy have started to "work" together in the shop and you love spending time down there with him.  You love everything mechanical and checking out how it all works.  You also like rides in the 4-wheeler and to sit on Daddy's lap when he's using the backhoe.  How cool is that?  How many kids get to sit on their Dad's lap and ride a backhoe around the yard?
-Did I mention you like anything with a cord, or parts that fit together or an on/off switch?  You even like to help me put together the breast pump and turn it on and off.  Reese could care less.

You've grown so much this year and now you're a big brother!  You like to remind us that you have two sisters- one big and one little.  I think you're going to be a great big brother to Emily and you can sure hold your own with Reese these days.  Happy Birthday Asher!
Love,  Mommy and Daddy