Friday, November 16, 2012

Home- Day 1

Emily and I managed to get discharged Wednesday night.  My OB said it was up to me and I definitely thought I'd be more relaxed and get more rest at home (yes, even in spite of Reese and Asher).  At the hospital they wake you up every 90 minutes or so at night for drugs or vitals or whatever.  So I figured life would be better at home and I was right.  The first night was great, Emily slept for 3 hour stretches and we both did fine.  Last night she was eating more frequently.  There were times I didn't even fall back asleep before she was up again.  But that's life with a newborn and those moments in the middle of the night when it's just the two of us are some of the best.  Jan headed home yesterday morning.  We are so thankful for all of her help with the kids, the cooking, everything.  Jan and Craig will both be back next week for Thanksgiving so luckily the kids don't have to go too long before Grandma returns.  Here are some pictures from the last 48 hours.
Looking alert last day in the hospital
 First time in the carseat

 I look so small in my crib

 Rocking with Daddy
 Snoozing with Daddy (not sure who likes this more)
 Reese and Asher want to hold her all the time

 Asher likes to tickle her toes