Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Reese at 3 years

I took Reese to the pediatrician this morning for her 3 year checkup.  She weighs 41 lbs (98th percentile) and is 39.4 inches (95th percentile).  The nurse took one look at me and said "not sure where she gets that from" (then I filled her in on Dad's dimensions).  They ask you to fill out a form asking a bunch of questions about social skills, motor skills, etc.  As I was filling it out, Reese was drawing on a piece of paper.  She drew an "H", an "E" and then a perfect "R" and announced "R for Reese".  The doctor looked at her, looked at me and said  "Yeah, you don't need to fill that out. She passed."   She only got one shot, her 2nd (and last) Hep A and she didn't even cry.  I think she was too excited about the sticker she was promised after the shot :)

Yesterday was also a big milestone in our house.  Reese's last day with a binkie.  Last night when she was heading to bed she asked for it and we reminded her that only babies need binkies and big girls who are 3 don't need them anymore.  When she protested CK gave her the last binkie we have, but he'd cut off the actual sucking part.  "My binkie's broken" she said, very sadly, so I asked her if she wanted to throw it away, and to my surprise, she did.  This morning she woke up and announced, "My binkie is broken and now it's in the garbage."  We talked again about how big girls don't need them and all the binkies should go to the little babies who do need them.  She seemed satisfied with that answer so here's to hoping we have moved on...