Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Rough mom moment

So last week was the first week in awhile where I was gone ALL week.  Literally I left the house at 445am Monday morning and didn't get home until 830pm Friday night.  It was a long week for me, and apparently for the kids.  As I was driving home from the airport Friday night I called CK and he asked how far out I was as Emily was hungry.  Given that I'd just gotten off a 3 hour flight, I was similarly ready to feed her :) So I got home about 15 minutes later and tried to feed Emily.  Well, little Emily wanted no part of Mommy.  She screamed her little head off and wouldn't eat.  I tried calming her down and then retried feeding her to no avail.  I'm pretty sure she was shooting daggers at me behind those tears, too.   Anyway, I finally gave in, handed her to CK, who warmed her up a bottle of frozen breastmilk which she eagerly (and immediately) scarfed down.  I, then, sat in the corner and pumped all by my lonesome :(  A very sad mommy moment to be rejected by your infant daughter who was clearly not happy that I'd been gone all week.  If this had been my first, I probably would have ended up in tears on the bathroom floor ready to quit my job.  Since it's my third, however, although I still felt the sting of rejection, this also isn't my first rodeo.  CK and I were even able to joke about it later.  And, of course, come 2am that night when she was ready to eat again she eagerly accepted Mommy's direct feeding.  Lucky for CK, right?  Ah, the joys of motherhood.