Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Swimming lessons

Reese and Asher started swimming lessons last night.  We started them in the same beginner class.  As predicted, Reese did pretty well and Asher clung to Daddy and screamed like he was being tortured.  The classes go for 4 weeks and are twice a week so when they go back tomorrow night we're going to keep Reese in the instructor-only class and move Asher (and Daddy) to the Aquatots (kids 3 and under with their parents in the water) and see how it goes.  Not sure if we'll be able to continue the lessons after I go back to work in a few weeks as it took everything we had to get all 5 of us to the pool on time, the kids changed, Emily fed and R&A from screaming...but hey, it's a start, right?
Reese holding on to the edge and learning how to kick.  She wanted to be sitting up on the edge of the pool and was not thrilled with this.
 Reese's preferred spot.  Her instructor looked all of 15 but he was pretty patient with the kids.  There's definitely a reason it's worth paying someone else to torture your children in the water.
 Asher clinging to Daddy for dear life...
 Reese's first dunk.