Monday, January 14, 2013

Emily @ 2 Months

Emily had her two month checkup and first immunizations today.  The pediatrician walked in, looked at her stats, and said "So I guess she's eating well, huh?"  Her 2 month stats:

Height: 23" (75th)
Weight: 12 lb. 8 oz. (85th)
Head circumference: 38.5cm

 She didn't quite keep up with Reese who, at 2 months, was off the charts at 14 lbs. but she's growing fast and has the chub to prove it.
Emily's been smiling and cooing a lot more.  Here's proof:
We also took Reese and Asher to gymnastics for the first time today.  Reese loved it and did great (although she's a bit more "assertive" than the other kids in the class).  Asher didn't really have any interest so we'll probably wait until the fall to try again.