Friday, October 19, 2012

We have a tentative birth-date

At my weekly appointment, my doctor scheduled my c-section for bright and early Monday, November 12th.  So unless our little girl has other plans, we'll be welcoming our new addition sometime that morning.  Next week we'll be switching me from the Lovenox I'm on to Heparin because Heparin leaves your body in 4-6 hours while Lovenox takes almost 24.  This will give us more flexibility if I do go into labor before 11/12 to do the c-section anyway with less risk to me or the baby of excessive bleeding.  If all goes as planned, I'll stop the Heparin 1-2 days before the c-section so I am not in danger of bleeding too much during/post surgery.  Then, like with Reese and Asher, I will start back on the Lovenox about 24 hours after birth for another 6-weeks post partum.  Probably more information than any of you wanted to know.  
Anyway, as some of you know, I've been having weekly biophysical profiles at the hospital.  These consist of an ultrasound where they measure the baby's growth, check that she's moving and "practicing" breathing and check my amniotic fluid levels.  The U/S is followed by a Non-Stress Test (NST) which consists of measuring the baby's heartbeat and movement using fun sensors placed on my growing belly.  I was bored in my NST today (sometimes, if she isn't moving as much as I'd like, it can take hours) so I took some pictures of what I get to see each week.  By the way, in case you can't tell, she passed with flying colors ;)  My fluid levels are great (they were a bit high 2 weeks ago but are near-perfect now) and she is measuring just over 6 pounds (give or take a pound, of course) which is right where she should be.