Friday, March 26, 2010

idol worship

Anyone who's spent time with Reese knows how much she loves music and usually stops what she's doing as soon as she hears anything from a grandfather clock to a commercial with a catchy jingle. It shouldn't surprise you, then, to hear that Reese's favorite show is American Idol. In fact, she loves it so much that she gets mad at us when other things are playing on TV and demands we switch it with "sing! sing!"

Maybe it's the catchy tunes they sing, maybe it's the dancing during some of the more powerful performances. Or maybe it's just that she really, really likes Ryan... Either way, it's pretty funny to watch Reese and her appreciation for all things musical. It could be a phase or it could be that we have a budding superstar on our hands. Maybe even a contestant for American Idol 2026?