Saturday, February 27, 2010

so much for the flu shots

Despite diligently getting our flu shots (both th H1N1 and the seasonal), CK and I both came down with a nasty stomach flu this week. Luckily the worst of our sicknesses didn't overlap because at the height of it neither of us could stand up without almost passing out. So we've taken turns taking care of the kids (who, thus far, have not gotten it) and each other. Not exactly how I wanted to spend my last week of maternity leave.

Monday I return to work and will be headed to Portland for a one week assignment. Then my actual project- improving flow in the Emergency Room- starts in Salt Lake City on the 8th. The direct flights and no change in time zone will be nice. CK definitely has the tougher job staying home with both kids. Don't be surprised if he can't answer your phone calls the first time. We both learned this week just how tough it is to do this on your own.