Friday, October 23, 2009

(Almost) Final Cabin Pictures

The cabin in Show Low is nearing completion. From the average Joe's viewpoint it looks done. Although there are still a few days worth of odds and ends to finish before CK can pack up the trailer and head north for the winter (don't birds fly south for the winter for a reason? hmmm....) Here are some pictures of the (almost) finished product.
enjoying the view from the loft (Nana, Granddad and CK)
the clear reflection (from the deck looking in) of the gorgeous view
taking in the best view of all, from the second story deck
a satisfied customer enjoying her new deck
Tom and Granddad doing quality control
Reese learning how to climb stairs
the whole crew
Reese was so happy that she could finally crawl around in the cabin now that the carpet is in
this is the "What's Left" list; looks a bit daunting to me
Master shower (a.k.a. Tom's bathroom)
floor of master shower
staircase up to the loft
lower deck outside the master bedroom
fridge with door to the pantry on the left
cabin-esque light for the dining area
the carpet in the driveway waiting to be installed on Friday
the fruit of Tom's labor this week...a mostly full dumpster