Tuesday, September 22, 2009

29 weeks

Today I am 29 weeks 2 days (if you're one of those people who wants to be precise and who puts faith in due dates). I had an ultrasound this morning with the high risk OB here in Provo. It is really convenient, I might add, to just walk across the parking lot to the hospital for my appointments. I will certainly miss that in Helena. Anyway...the ultrasound went great. The baby is absolutely perfect, measuring about 3.5 pounds, right where he/she should be. Everything else looks good, including the placement of my placenta so I should have the opportunity to have a VBAC provided I go into labor before/near my due date of 12/6 AND can get to Great Falls in time :). The doctor I saw today said she wouldn't let me go much past that date because I will have been off of the Lovenox since 38 weeks and the risks just started getting higher after that. So, assuming my doctor in Helena agrees, looks like we'll be having a baby no later than 12/8 or so either way. Below is one of the ultrasound pictures from this morning of Baby LaFond #2. He/she was busy drinking or talking during the whole thing.