Here are some pictures from the past few weeks that I didn't get a chance to upload until now:

CK and Andrew

Tanner and Reese

Reese's first experience with a soccer ball. If her Uncle Jeff has anything to say about it, this won't be her last.

We just got back from a great trip to Washington DC. We stayed with my friends from Duke, Amanda and BJ, and saw A LOT of DC in 3 days. CK's mom, aunt and two uncles from South Dakota all met us there for the weekend. Some pictures below from the trip:

Jan and her sister Theresa in front of the Supreme Court

CK and Reese viewing JFK's grave in Arlington National Cemetery

What would a trip to DC be without seeing the pandas?

And the tigers...this picture is for Lindsey

Jan joining the bread line at the FDR memorial park

Jan, CK, Reese and Steve with the great Thomas Jefferson

The one and only Abraham Lincoln

Me posing with Kermit the Frog at the Museum of American History

Mark, CK, Jan and Steve at the Museum of Natural History

A nice family photo in front of the White House. If you look closely you can see the Obamas gardening in the yard :)

The crew on the plane ride back. Despite the early hour and the very tired feet, smiles all around

We got very lucky and had an open seat next to us on the way to MSP so Reese got to fly in style. She was a real trooper this weekend and traveled really well- on the plane, in the Metro...she adapted to the time change like a champ. We are grooming a world traveler I think.
CK and Reese flew back to Provo with me on Monday and then, after repacking, flew to Phoenix this morning to start the cabin project in Show Low. The summer has officially begun.