Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Other Updates

Reese is finally crawling! She has been doing the shuffle and scoot for awhile now (actually quite effective and manages to get herself around the entire room when she wants to) but actually crawled with her hands and knees this weekend. Pretty soon she will be all over the place.

I also had my 13 week OB appointment this morning. True to fashion, I waited 30 minutes for the doctor and then saw him for less than 5. He listened to the heartbeat (which was very strong) and said come back in 4 weeks. All appears well. I have an ultrasound in 3 weeks with the high risk specialist so that will be fun to see the baby again and see how much bigger he/she is from the peanut we saw last time. I'm still feeling nauseas, especially when I don't eat enough, but it appears to be lessening (maybe wishful thinking?). Hoping as I enter the 2nd trimester that my energy and calmer belly return.

Now that I have my Bella Bands out of storage, I am much more comfortable and will be able to wear my regular clothes for awhile longer. They are such a great invention.