- You are a very "spirited" little girl. You are definitely in the "no" stage of saying no to everything, testing us, running away when we ask you to come to us for something. It's certainly normal behavior at this stage and we've seen it before (looking at you Reese and Asher) so we're just hoping your "terrible twos" don't last until 4 like Asher's did ;)
- You still have a small red streak in your hair (at about your crown). We sometimes call it your Anna streak (after the Frozen character that gets a white streak in the movie). I hope you always have it as it appears to be the only redhead we're going to have.
- You may be our most athletic child at this age. You love to throw and kick balls and you seem to have a pretty good arm. We'll see if that remains as you get older.
- You have started talking so much in the last few months, really putting together sentences and asking for things. You love saying "Hi Dad" or "Hi Mom" or "Hi Soren" when we pick you up from daycare. You like to sing your ABCs and count the stairs when we go up and down.
- You never sleep in the car. After a long evening at Auntie's house, for example, the other three kids will easily fall asleep on the car ride home. You, however, never do. You're just hanging out waiting to get home. That being said, you're a pretty good sleeper and sleep well in your crib.
- You really like books and will tell us to "sit down" on the couch and then bring over a book to read. You like Reese to read to you, too. Your favorite books have animals, particularly puppies in them. Sometimes you call any animal a "puppy" which is pretty cute. You know all the animal sounds, though, and will tell us what they are when you see one.
- You're still wearing your glasses and we're actually still patching your left (dominant) eye every other day for a few hours just to be sure your non-dominant right eye is getting a chance to develop. The eye surgery you had in May worked really well and you really can't tell any dominance just by looking at you. Hopefully these things will get your eyes developed fully now while you're young.
- You seem to like having Soren around for the most part and often go over and try to play with him. You don't always know that you're playing hard or you get frustrated with him and push once in awhile. He is fairly laid back and tolerant and will often giggle when you're around or when you start laughing yourself. I can tell the two of you are going to be close as you get older, which will be fun to watch.
- You love playing with your big brother and sister and are finally old enough to do most things with them (e.g., play outside, play in the playroom, color). You and Asher seem to have a special relationship, probably since you're both still together at daycare every day. But you also love seeing Reese and I can already see you are looking up to her as a big sister.
- You're a great eater and sometimes can outeat your siblings. You like to shove a lot in your mouth at once, though, so we have to keep an eye on you.
- You're more into babies than Reese was/is. You have a few of them and like to carry them around. You got a new one for your birthday with a carrier and you like to play with your babies and put them in the carseat and the high chair.
- You have a love/hate relationship with Lindsey's pet lizard she got this year. You are fascinated by it and want Lindsey to take it out of the cage but you also get scared when it gets too close to you (not a bad trait to have!)
It's hard to believe that two years have gone by since you joined our family (even harder to believe you have a 10 month old brother, too!). We are so lucky to have your adorable smile and spunky personality as part of our clan. We love you very much and can't wait to see you grow and change (but not too fast, ok?)
Mommy & Daddy