Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday Reese!

My baby girl is turning 5 today and starting Kindergarten on Tuesday!  We are so amazed every day at how much older you are (and wiser you think you are ;) each week.  I am on my way home from my new project in Boston as we speak so I can tuck my birthday girl into bed on her actual birthday.  It’s been a busy year for our family: getting settled in our new house; welcoming your baby sister, Emily; learning we’ll be welcoming another addition this winter…you’ve quickly adapted to each new change and continue to display a true love of learning new things and of demonstrating your creativity (and your independence).  Here are some things to remember about yourself as you turn five:
  • You love princesses and anything princess-related.  You really like watching Disney Junior’s new show Sophia the First and you have requested a princess cake for your birthday party.  You like wearing dresses and skirts- the more glittery and colorful, the better.  At a recent wedding you followed around “Cinderella” (CK’s cousin Kimberly who, with her very blonde hair and pretty dress, did look a little like Cinderella) and “the wedding girl and boy” (the bride and the groom) all night.
  • You pick out your own clothes, for the most part, and you like changing your outfit multiple times a day if the mood strikes you.
  • Your favorite movie is Pocahontas.  Admittedly, we haven’t brought you to the actual movie theater yet nor do we watch a lot of movies and this one happens to be available on our DVR, but…you still ask to watch it at least once a week.
  • You love to sing and make up songs about every day life.  You are able to hear songs and remember lyrics really well.
  • You’re starting to add and subtract, thanks to Daddy, who teaches you more and more every week.
  • You still love to eat and will eat pretty much everything, except for rice.  Rice?  You’re a great sleeper.  Good thing, because your siblings are NOT.  Maybe you can convince them that sleep is wonderful?
  • You play with your sister Emily but sometimes you’re kind of rough.  I think you’re looking forward to when she’s walking so you can dress her up in princess clothes ;)
  • For your birthday you asked for ponies and Barbies, that’s all.  I think it's because that's what some of the other girls at daycare have.  Peer pressure already.
  • You are starting Kindergarten next week at Jim Darcy and your teacher will be Ms. Mihelish.  Your friend Madison from daycare will be in your class.
  • You love making funny faces in the mirror and in any surface you can see yourself, like Facetime/Skype.  You also love to take pictures of everything (using your LeapPad, Daddy’s iPad or Mommy’s iPhone), including self portraits of those funny faces.
  • You’re still sharing a room with Asher but you’ve been mentioning moving upstairs to your room so I’m guessing that will happen soon.
  • Just last weekend you got your hair cut for only the 2nd time in your life (remember, you didn’t have hair for almost 18 months).  Your shorter, shoulder-length cut makes you look a lot older.
  • You love to draw and your current favorite thing to draw is rainbows.  You often draw pictures and then make up creative stories about them.
  • You spend about 50% of your time in “time out” usually because you’re not listening or you’re pouting or being rough with Asher.  We hope you grow out of this soon ;)
  • This year you tried gymnastics (you liked it  a lot but weren’t really into following the teacher’s directions), soccer (you spent more time on the sidelines or picking flowers than actually playing) and swimming lessons (you liked these a lot but did better 1-on-1 than in a group setting).  You and Asher are starting soccer again this week (on the same team) so we’ll see if you take to team sports or decide to go your own way.
  • You still love the water and have no fear in the lake or the swimming pool and love the sprinkler.  We hope to get you some more swimming lessons this year so you can swim on your own.
  • You’re about 60 lbs now (Asher is 40) and you’re wearing mostly 7-8 clothes.  Catching up to Mommy every day…

As someone who knows…being the oldest of 4 kids is a big role to fill but I’m pretty sure you have it in you to be great in every way.  I can’t wait to see how you blossom in school with all of the things you’re going to learn.  You’re excited and we’re excited for you.  Happy 5th birthday to our beautiful princess!