Friday, June 1, 2012

We're going to need a bigger car

Since we've finally spilled the beans to friends, family and co-workers I figured it was time to officially announce on here that we are expecting Baby LaFond #3 in mid-November.  I thought you all might enjoy the following family portrait that Reese did in January, well before I got pregnant.  However, as highlighted in red below, Reese added our newest family member (or at least it looks that way now).  Apparently she knew something we didn't.  Or she wanted a puppy.  Either way.
Reese and Asher seem to understand that a new baby is coming.  Reese, of course, wants a sister and insists that Asher wants a brother.  Asher doesn't commit.  Asher likes to look in my belly button to see if he can see the baby.  I think 6-7 months is a long time for a toddler to wait so my guess is their interest will ebb and flow over the next few months.  At this point they're probably more excited about moving into the new house than anything else.  Last week, though, when we asked Reese what she's going to teach the new baby, she thought for awhile and then replied: "I'm going to teach the baby how to watch Nick, Jr."  Yes, parent of the year awards for both of us.