Saturday, October 8, 2011

2nd trip to the ER in 2 weeks

Reese and Asher were playing on the air mattress in our office today and whether Reese pushed or Asher fell (I think we all know which one is most likely, however, neither CK nor I actually saw it happen so we can't prove anything) Asher rolled off and hit his head hard on a charger that was plugged into the wall.  Hard enough to knock the charger out of the wall, dislodging one of the metal "prongs" which subsequently sliced his poor little scalp.  A trip to the ER and 2 staples later and he's back in action.  Funny enough when the PA came into our room in the ER he said "this is becoming a bad habit for early October".  Of course I thought he was referring to CK being there just over a week ago when he sliced his forearm open with ductwork and needed 7 stitches.  But he was actually referring to last year, this very week (early October 2010) when Reese pushed Asher off the couch and he hit his head hard enough that CK took him into the ER.  Hopefully October 2012 can break the trend :).  I spend enough time in Emergency Departments for work; I'd really prefer not to be there on the weekends, too :)