Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy 1st birthday Asher!

Happy birthday to our wonderful little boy Asher. Here are some details about your life for you/us to remember since you are growing so fast:

  • We are currently living in Helena but renting a condo across the street from Aunt Jennifer while Daddy builds our dream house in the Northern part of town. The house is up and shingled but has no siding nor interior walls yet. The condo is all one level which is really nice right now for keeping track of you and your sister.
  • You are crawling everywhere and pulling yourself up to stand. You “walk” along the couch for a few steps but still prefer to crawl to get to where you want to go.
  • You are finally starting to sleep through the night. You know, at least twice a week ;)
  • You put up with a lot of abuse from your sister. She pushes you, hits you and steals your banana puffs. But you light up every time she comes into the room so you must be very forgiving.
  • For a few months now you have been babbling and saying DaDa but recently you started to say MaMa too (which makes your MaMa pretty happy)
  • You’re a pickier eater than your sister but you love banana puffs and will happily feed them to yourself
  • Also unlike Reese at this age, you put everything you can find in your mouth. Last week we found you with a mouthful of Oreo. Hmmm…wonder where you got that from…
  • You like to play with whatever toys your sister will let you. Usually you pick something up and start playing with it, then your sister takes it, so you find something else to play with. You’re pretty patient but once in awhile you cry in protest.
  • You have 4 front teeth on the bottom and one on the top and are working on many more
  • You were born with a full head of dark hair and have had beautiful, silky hair ever since. You’ve needed a haircut now for at least a month but we haven’t done it yet. This is probably partly laziness on your parents’ part and partly because your hair is just so nice (note that it is NOT because we want you to look like Tom Brady nor Justin Bieber)
  • You are a blanket boy and love to snuggle with a blanket. You will hold your own bottle but mostly you just use sippy cups to chew/teethe on.
  • You give pretty good open-mouthed “kisses” (more like you try to eat us) and you have recently figured out that Mom has really long hair and it’s fun to pull. You pull hard and make your sister cry (sometimes Mom, too).
  • You love the bath but have started to try to crawl around while in the water which makes bathing you rather difficult

You are such a happy little guy and we are so lucky to have two healthy, happy kids. Your sister may not realize it now but she will never remember life before you and she is so lucky to have a brother so close in age. We look forward to watching you both grow up together. Someday soon I know you'll be the one teaching her a thing or two. We hope you have a very happy birthday and we love you very much.

Love, Mom and Dad