Saturday, September 18, 2010

Rain rain go away

It's rainy and chilly here in Montana and is supposed to be that way for the foreseeable future so we've been hanging out inside. Some pictures from this weekend so far:
Asher is finally king of the highchair
as Reese has moved on to the big girl seat at the table
Aunt Jane sent Reese a sequel to her favorite video (The Bears for anyone who doesn't know). It's The Moose video and has great kids folk songs and video of real Moose and other animals.
This was 30 seconds after popping it in. Think she likes it? Thanks Jane!
And these, of course, are for Jeff. His nephew is working on his future career in futbol.

CK's working up at the house this morning so the kids and I are enjoying some down time. The nice part is the entire house is clean because our landlords called us last minute to show it yesterday so I had to scramble to clean yesterday afternoon. Of course, they never showed up to show it but at least I have a clean house and don't have to do it today :)