Well, after a 91-hour work week (we have to record our hours so, yes, I counted each and every one) I am back from the abyss. Actually the week went really well at work and CK and the kids went up to Malta for the week so it worked out well for both of us. I got home late Saturday night and spent Sunday hanging out with the kids (of course!) Today we took Reese and Asher to daycare for the first time. It was a really weird feeling to come home to an empty, quiet house. Not sure when the last time that happened was :) We were able to get some house planning done, CK played basketball and I (unfortunately) got an afternoon of work in before we picked up the kids. Reese had a great time playing with the other kids and barely remembered we were gone until we got there. Of course, she was so excited she decided not to nap but promptly fell asleep on the way home. I'm sure she'll adjust and be into their regular routine in no time. It's back to SLC for me tomorrow morning (this time only until Thursday) and then a long weekend- yay! Here are some pictures we took of the kids this weekend: