You'll also notice in many of the other videos we've posted lately of Asher that you can either hear the bear video playing or Reese asking "Please see bear" in the background.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Please more bears!
Last summer, Jane got Reese a video for her birthday. The visual is a bunch of bears (with some eagles, moose and squirrels thrown in for good measure) walking around and sleeping in nature while some folksy songs about bears play in the background. As far as kid videos go, it's actually pretty entertaining and the folk songs aren't even that annoying after the millionth time (and, believe me, we would know). Anyway we found the video recently and starting playing it for Reese and have created a bit of a monster. Every day the first thing we hear when she wakes up: "Please see bear" or "Please sing bear" (hard to tell which but the effect is the same). This is Reese watching the bear video last week:
And we've included a video of how she (politely) asks about 20 times a day to watch the bear video: