Sunday, July 5, 2009

Mom's 60th birthday weekend

We spent the long weekend in Newport at my mom's house celebrating her 60th birthday. Below are some pictures from the party and the weekend. Luckily the rain that has been blasting the east coast finally let up and we had a beautiful weekend (good thing since we had more than 40 people for the birthday party!) Here's the birthday girl with all her desserts.
Blowing out her candles...Dan, me, Mom, Jeff and Sarah
Reese looking adorable among Mom's birthday presents
Reese and her first car (a gift from Nana)...think she likes it? Good thing since she'll be buying the next one herself :)
Dan and Reese
Fred, Sarah and Coco enjoying the nice weather
Jeff put Reese right to sleep
Reese playing in the yard
Granddad, Nana, CK, me, Reese, Michelle, Jeff, Mom, Sarah, Fred, Venus and Dan
Jeff teaching Reese all about bubbles Julie and IJeff and Michelle
Michelle at her mini-shower in Newport