Thursday, July 23, 2009
The many faces of Reese
Reese has been making some pretty funny (and, of course, to us adorable) faces lately so we thought we'd share.
Black Hills Trip
We are headed back to Helena after a great trip to the Black Hills of South Dakota. We drove from Billings on Saturday with Val, Steve, Jen, Craig, Jan and all the kids. We met the Graff side of the family at the campsite and had great weather for 5 days. We mostly spent our time relaxing, eating (of course), playing cards/dice/games and just hanging out. We also got a short hike and picnic in and a trip to (does driving past count?) Mount Rushmore. It was really nice to see everyone. Here are some pictures:
The whole crew dressed to impress for our red white and blue themed dinner. Yes, we really are related to all of those people.
Reese crawling around the camper
CK grilling some burgers
Trying out Reese's new backpack on our hike to Sylvan Lake
Reese (not surprisingly) loves to backpack. Daddy, however, really got a workout with 30 extra pounds on his back!

Andrew exploring a crevasse on our hike

Andrew exploring a crevasse on our hike
Friday, July 17, 2009
Our first professional photos
We were lucky enough to have our friend Wendy, who is a semi-professional photographer in her spare time, take some GREAT pictures of us last weekend while we were at the lake. Thank you Wendy! Below are only a few but we wanted to share them with all of you.

We're off to the Black Hills tomorrow for a week with the Graff family. We're looking forward to the vacation time and hoping for good weather.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
10 month stats and Lake pictures
I forgot to post Reese's 10 month stats. CK took her to the doctor last week and, at 10 months, she is 23 lbs and 29 inches. She's actually no longer in the 98th percentile of height and weight but is still up there. So we're probably in the market for a new convertible carseat pretty soon since her infant one is only good to 30". And, as her future sibling reminded me last night by starting to kick, she is going to have competition for the infant one in a few months anyway :)

Here are some pictures from the Lake this weekend:
Saturday, July 11, 2009
5th Anniversary
When we first found out we were pregnant with #2 I started this blog to chronicle how I/we were feeling before we were ready to tell anyone. Luckily, because everything went smoothly, it was fairly short-lived, but here it is for anyone who is curious:
So the big question that everyone asks is "So where are you going to have the baby?" The answer right now is that we don't know. However, the most likely scenario is probably Helena. Well, actually Great Falls, if everything goes as we expect. I'd like to do a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesearean) but the hospital in Helena where I had Reese doesn't do them so I would have to drive 90 miles to Great Falls to have the baby, which I am very willing to do to avoid surgery. We'll see, though, that assumes everything is going well.
We are at the Lake (Flathead, of course, is there another?) this weekend celebrating our 5th anniversary and visiting our friends Mike and Lorri. It's beautiful here and CK has already been out jetskiing (of course). I realized that I haven't been jetskiing in 2 years and likely won't until next summer. Maybe I can get CK to take me out on the sea couch later this summer.
Thursday was our anniversary (#5) and we went out to a fancy dinner at 5 Guys (my choice) and then, because it wouldn't be a CK/Becca special occasion without one, we took a trip to our favorite place:

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Mom's 60th birthday weekend
We spent the long weekend in Newport at my mom's house celebrating her 60th birthday. Below are some pictures from the party and the weekend. Luckily the rain that has been blasting the east coast finally let up and we had a beautiful weekend (good thing since we had more than 40 people for the birthday party!) Here's the birthday girl with all her desserts.
Blowing out her candles...
Dan, me, Mom, Jeff and Sarah
Reese looking adorable among Mom's birthday presents
Reese and her first car (a gift from Nana)...think she likes it? Good thing since she'll be buying the next one herself :)
Dan and Reese
Fred, Sarah and Coco enjoying the nice weather

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