Happy Birthday Emily! Look at that spunk. You are such a happy, energetic, fun-loving spirit. You keep us on our toes and make sure we never take our eyes off of you ;) We love the girl you're becoming and the curiosity you have about everything.
You walk to the beat of your own drum and that is wonderful. Lately you've really loved dressing up as everything from a princess to a warrior to a cowgirl. You make your own path and I hope you always will.
You and Soren are great buddies. You (mostly) get along well and like to play together, making each other laugh all the time. You were SO excited for your birthday this year, turning 5 and knowing that you will get to go to school next year. When Reese and Asher went to school in September, you were really disappointed that you didn't get to go, too.
You have taken to coloring lately and love to color and draw. You also love to dance and jam out to music with Reese or Soren. You enjoyed soccer this fall and definitely got into playing much more than last year. You run everywhere and I think have some running in your future somewhere.
We love you so much and are so lucky to be your parents. You will either keep us young or drive our gray hair- maybe both! Happy birthday Emily. Love, Mom and Dad