Soren, we can't believe you're already three and that the time is going by as quickly as everyone warned us it would. Here are some fun things about you as you turn three to remember:
- You are a truck connoisseur and will correct anyone who mis-states a Raptor vs a Diesel. You also like to call out trucks when you see them on the road. Over the holidays, while we were in Arizona, you asked us when we were going back to "our Diesel house"
- You have many toy trucks (3 or 4 toy Raptors alone) and got a few new ones for Christmas and your birthday. You love driving them around the house and your current favorite position is two hands on the truck, bent over at a V and two legs running fast behind all over the house.
- You, unfortunately, like to torture your sister Emily. You have probably finally figured out that you're almost as big as her so you remind her whenever she makes you mad. We're hoping you're over this by 4 but, if experience has taught either of us anything, you won't be.
- You love your green monkey shorts. They used to be green camo pants that had a monkey on the butt. When you got too tall for them we cut them into shorts and you still want to wear them every day. Because we wouldn't let you wear them outside in the winter you've now taken to wearing leggings underneath them. This has led to a bit of an obsession with leggings. And, no, we haven't bought you any leggings of your own. You've just usurped all of your sister's.
- You want no part of potty training. Despite our best efforts to convince you that big boys use the potty, you're just not interested. Peer pressure, bribery, none of our tricks work. So, we wait...
- You like to sing and have been breaking into Frost the snowman and other Christmas carols lately. It's pretty adorable.
Amazingly, you are three. Our little munchkin. We wish you the happiest of birthdays.
Mom and Dad