Today is pretty bittersweet for me. As my last baby turns 2 and is officially no longer a baby, I'm a bit sad. It definitely feels like a certain era of our lives is coming to a close and while that means getting rid of a lot of baby items (and, believe me, there are A LOT) around the house and family outings being easier and easier, it also means no more
little clothes, no more quiet moments in the middle of the night when it's just the two of us (yes, I do understand that means no more- or fewer- not-so-quiet moments in the middle of the night, too), etc. As I said, bittersweet. The saying "The days are long but the years are short" is completely true and I remind myself every day to try to live in the moment and enjoy every bit.
Despite all that, today our baby turns TWO. So, Soren, here are some things about you as you turn two so you (and we) can remember someday:
- You are such a ham. Every time we get out the camera, you know what's coming and you get this big, cheesy grin on your face and say "cheese", even before we ask (see above)
- Your favorite song is "Row, row, row your boat" but you like singing a lot of different songs and you have a good memory and can recite a line or two after just hearing them once or twice.
- You and Emily fight just like Reese and Asher. You also play but it's about 50/50 at this point and if your older siblings are any indication, it will remain that ratio for awhile
- You love playing with Asher and he likes to goof around with you, too. You also love playing with your older cousins
- You are a sweet little boy and will give hugs and kisses
- You're still sleeping in Mom and Dad's bed. We've tried a few times to change this arrangement (admittedly, not very hard) but you will have none of it. Mom and Dad have a love hate feeling about this. You're an adorable snuggler but you also kick and hit while you're sleeping, which is not much fun for us.
- In the last few months your vocabulary has really increased and you're saying full sentences a lot of the time. The pediatrician was impressed at your doctor's appointment last week. Maybe you've learned you have to speak well (and LOUD) to be heard around here ;)
- You're a pretty good eater like your siblings, willing to try most things. Unfortunately, when you find something you don't like or you're done eating, you tend to chuck your food across the room (and sometimes your fork). Let's hope you grow out of this one by your 3rd birthday.
- Your favorite car is the "new Raptor" and you ask to drive in it every time we leave the house. Daddy's boy.
- You love throwing balls and you recognize sports on TV, although most of them are "football basketball" no matter what. You actually throw and catch pretty well.
- You like to wrap up your "babies" (any stuffed animal really) in blankets and you bring the blanket and the baby over to us to swaddle them. It's pretty adorable.
Soren, you have changed so much over the last year and even the last few months. Try not to grow up too fast and we'll try to enjoy every minute. We love you so much.
Mommy & Daddy