Friday, November 27, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015 in Hopewell!

We headed to Jeff & Michelle's in NJ for Thanksgiving and it was a great trip.  We even managed to snag this wonderful family picture with Mom (with only one take before the camera battery died!)
 Sarah convinced me to run the Flemington Turkey Trot (only a 5K) which I haven't run in years.  Note to self: maybe run more than zero times in the last 2 years before attempting a race of any length.  One of my oldest friends, Jessica, ran it with us and it was so great to see her and her husband Terrance in our old stomping grounds.
 We also got a chance to see my oldest friend Elizabeth and her family in PA.  Here we are with our mini-me's.  I've known Elizabeth since I was Reese's age- crazy!  Her daughter, Ava (seen here) is 4 months younger than Asher and her son, Zachary, is 6 days younger than Emily.
The crew: Soren, Emily, Reese, Ava, Zachary and Asher (sorry Jason that we didn't get you in a photo!)
 Another benefit of visiting my hometown is getting to see my friend Casey who lives in Pennington.  Here is that crew: Reese, Emily, Morgan, Barrett and Asher (Soren slept through the visit and you can see him on the couch in background).  It was so great to see Casey and Lionel and their amazing home; can't wait for them to come visit us in Montana next summer!

We spent the week staying at Jeff and Michelle's and it was so nice to have so many kids around (and new toys).  The kids had a great time.
Soren and Hunter playing:
 The redheads: Becca and my beautiful niece Charlotte:

 Asher playing with Snoopy at MSP on the way home
 The "big" kids table at Thanksgiving: Emily, Grace, Reese and Asher
 Goofing around with Emily on the plane to NJ
 A moment of relative peace on the plane ride.

CK and I took Reese and Asher into NYC to see the Freedom tower and the Rockettes.  It was interesting trying to explain 9/11 to a 5 and 7 year old but they seemed to get it.  Reese asked me a really thoughtful question later that day: "Mommy, did the bad guys get their names on the memorial, too?  Because I think their families probably miss them, too."  Wow.  Excellent perspective from a 7 year old.

 The four not-so-babies hashing out life
 Just an example of the controlled chaos
 Asher in NYC being amazed by the tall ceilings in the WTC PATH station

 Charlotte celebrating the holidays and the Thanksgiving sunshine we got
 our family pic that Mom managed to snap
 riding the train back from NYC

 The four amigos again.  I think Elijah may be winding up?

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Happy 3rd birthday Emily!


It's hard to believe you're three years old today!  The time has flown by as everyone told us it would.  You are so spunky and fun and you're trying to figure out the world more and more every day.  Some things to remember about you on your 3rd birthday:
  • You're still using your binky (mostly at night and during car rides) although we told you that when you turned 3- and were finally a "big girl"- that the binky would go away.  You were game up until yesterday, we'll see how you feel about it tonight :)
  • You're a great sleeper.  You go to sleep easy, you sleep well and you really seem to enjoy your sleep.  Maybe you can talk to Soren about that?
  • You're a little entertainer.  Lately you love to sing and dance and say "watch me" before you put on a show
  • You've definitely got a little attitude.  You are stubborn like your sister and like to assert yourself when you don't get what you want.  Hopefully some day we can turn that into true leadership potential.
  • You're not necessarily a picky eater but sometimes you just don't want to eat.  You'll just not eat dinner and then the next night you'll eat 2 or 3 helpings.  You just walk to your own drum.
  • You are Soren are starting to act a  lot like Reese and Asher.  You love each other and play together so nicely and then, 2 minutes later, you're fighting and both of you are crying and running to tell us how terrible the other one is.  I'm sure your relationship will ebb and flow throughout your life but I like to think that you will always be thankful to have a sibling so close in age.
  • You're getting close to being potty trained.  I'd say you're at a 75% success rate.
  • You don't really like having your hair up or pulled back.  You'll tolerate a half ponytail once in awhile but usually you prefer to just run around "free and uninhibited" which usually results in most of your hair matted and in your face by the end of the day.  You do, however, tolerate wearing your glasses, which continues to impress me.
  • You are a HUGE fan of milk.  You would probably drink a gallon a day if we let you.  You've also convinced Soren it's the greatest thing ever so thank you for that.
It is a lot of fun watching you grow.  You at a tough age where you challenge us every day but you also bring us some of the best moments of parenting and we are so thankful for that.  Happy Birthday munchkin.  We love you.


Mommy & Daddy